SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the blockbuster video game franchise from Sega that centers on the infamously on bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the adventures of Sonic as he navigates the complexities of life on Earth with his newfound best friend Tom “Donut Lord” Wachowski (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom join forces to try and stop the villainous Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) from capturing Sonic and using his immense powers for world domination.
This film is an extremely family friendly film that kids and adults all ages will enjoy. If you grew up watching the cartoon episodes as well as played the games as I did then you will find that alot of fan service has been done when making this film. Jim Carey is once again playing a well known villain and executes the performance flawlessly.
The character redesign that caused the movie to be pushed back to Feburary 2020 was not in vain. Sonic looks, feels, and acts like the sonic we all know and love. The only negative I have for the film is that it is very predictable. While it is a very well done film the plot falls flat in some areas because you can guess what is happening next without having seen it yet. Overall I believe it is still a must see movie and don’t forget to stay after the credits for a little surprise.
4 stars out of 5