Recently I recorded a Skewedcast where some of the staff and I discussed the fact that Santa Monica Studios was hiring which caused many to think that a new God of War game may be in the works. As we discussed the news, it was suggested that should a new game in the series be in the works; it would likely be for the next Playstation console due to the fact that it would likely take at least 2-3 years to come to market.
As we discussed it further; I mentioned how The Last of Us was the last big AAA PS3 exclusive and how Naughty Dog mentioned how it stretched the abilities of the system to the max in order to deliver the experience they had envisioned.
While we know that The Last of Us 2 is in the works it does not have a release date. I have speculated that Christmas 2019 may be a good timeframe to look at as a realistic release window but I also wonder if this could be the last AAA Exclusive title for the PS4.
It is no secret that Microsoft is working on a new system and many believe that a new console from Sony may be announced in 2019 and could possibly even come out in late 2019. Sony announced the PS4 in February 2013 and used shows such as E3, PAX, Paris Games Week, and others to make its November 2013 launch a huge success.
This could be the formula Sony uses for 2019 or whenever they are prepared to announce a new system.
Regardless of when a new system is announced, there are still plenty of good titles in the works for the system and I wonder if we will now see future AAA titles which have not been announced as of yet being designed for the future system.
Some have even pointed to their decision to not hold PSX this year as a possible indicator that a new system may be closer to an announcement than people think. I had a staff member say to me that it could be difficult to announce new titles that are a year or so away from coming out as any footage from the games could give away a new system especially if the graphics look beyond the abilities of a PS4 or PS4 Pro.
Regardless, Sony continues to create great exclusives and continues to dominate the console market and it will be interesting to see what they have planned for 2019 and beyond.
TLOU wasn’t the last major exclusive for PS3, though… and its sequel probably won’t be the last for PS4.
I would say it had more hype and heat than any of the others that followed and none matched it in terms of impact.
That may be what you would say, but you’ve already been corrected on GT6, so that alone would make you wrong.
After that, not having as much hype as TLOU wouldn’t mean it’s not still AAA, which is what you claim. And “major” would expand that even more. Dragon’s Crown, two Tales games, FFXIV, Beyond: Two Souls, The Show, BlazBlue… plenty of AAA games, plenty of major games.
Last of US had more attention on it pre and post launch than GT6 and was a more significant game to the majority of gamers.
And all of that is irrelevant: that doesn’t make any other game less AAA, nor does it mean any of those other games aren’t major.
Is Horizon no longer major because God of War and Spider-Man sold better? No: it’s still a major release, and still a AAA exclusive. How about Detroit? Bloodborne? The Last Guardian? Uncharted 4?
Will Death Stranding not be major if it releases after TLOU2? Final Fantasy VII? Will they suddenly no longer be AAA?
That is a matter of opinion. I could say Spider-man and God of war had more heat and impact. I would say Death Stranding needs to be seen first as I have not seen anything about it that makes me want to get it. I would also say you cannot put Last Guardian in the same category as it will anticipated did not have the long-term impact.
With all the devs begging for more processing power, with both ps4 and x1 basically maxed out at 80-90% for the first games like god of war and spiderman, with very little room for improvement (a few extra months optimizing, maybe they would extract 2 or 3% extra power, if not less), with close to 90-95 million ps4 sold, + the extra 10 or 15 million units sold until next january,
and because the gddr6 is already in production,
AND it has been proven THE FIRST ONE to release a system will be the #1 (x360, ms destroyed sony, ps4 released before and cheaper destroyed microsoft),
With all this said, THERE ARE ZERO REASONS for sony to not release a console in 2019. Let’s say the ps5 is out by nov 2020. How many extra ps4 would sony sell, from jan 2019 to nov 2020 ? 15 millions ? 20 ? Anf how many new aaa exclusive would sony sell until nov 2020 ? 1? Or zero ?
That’s why it makes ZERO sense, for sony to not release the PS5 next nov 2019.
Sony knows MS must be hard at work, doing all they can to be the first to release the next big system. Nobody wants to be #2 !
I would bet studios like guerrilla games, quantic dreams and naughty dog HAVE BEEN making new ps5 games on ps5 prototypes, since at least 2016.
people think a console is made only several years after the previous one… when actually, the ps5 was already been analysed, before even the ps4 was out.
i am sure there are already some engineers imagining what could be used to make the PS6, in 4 or 5 years !
also, let’s not forget something: i am sure there will be a ps5 ‘classic, sold at 449 or 399, and a ps5 pro, sold at 649 or 699 !
the market and ps4 pro sales have proved there are a ton of consumers ready to spend more, for more power. It is natural there will be 2 ps5 versions at launch.
if sony keeps the trend ’10x more raw power on each new generation’, at 1.7tflops for the ps4, we should have a ps5 classic with 15-20tflops, and a ps5 pro with 20-30tflops.
i won’t be surprised if games like Dreams and TLOU2 end up being made for the ps5… at least, we should expect a uncharted 4, spiderman, god of war and dreams ps5 remaster.
a new killzone, with Hollywood-like photorealistic graphics would be like a bomb, if it was released as a the ps5 launch title.
The last of us 2 IS THE NEXT big thing on gaming. It will be sold on ps4, and sony will make a ps5 remaster.
so yeah, there aren’t a lot of new exclusive aaa titles announced for the ps4… and there’s a good reason: all next big titles will be ps5 games !
I will wait for remaster on ps5 like how i did with first game