Oni Press Reveals SDCC Panels, Signings, And Covers

Lots of good stuff here.


Oni Press Creator Signings
Booth #1833

Tini Howard
Rick and Morty™: Pocket Like You Stole It
Thursday 12-1pm

Yehudi Mercado
Friday 12-1pm & Sunday 1-2pm

Mike Vasquez
Rick and Morty™ #37 Pickle Rick Foil Variant
Friday 1-2pm & Saturday 11am-12pm

Christina “Steenz” Stewart
Archival Quality
Friday 2-3pm

Sara Richard
Rick and Morty™ Presents: Krombopulos Michael #1, The Long Con #1 SDCC Exclusive Cover
Friday & Saturday 3-4

Paul Tobin & Colleen Coover
Made Men, Banana Sunday, Small Favors
Saturday 12-1pm

Emilee Denich
The Long Con #1
Saturday 1-2pm

Jhonen Vasquez, Megan Lawton, Aaron Alexovich, and Eric Trueheart
Invader ZIM
Saturday 2-3pm

Zander Cannon
Saturday 4-5pm

Michael Tanner
Junior Braves of the Apocalypse
Sunday 11am-12pm

Emilee Denich & Sara Richard (Variant)
The Long Con #1
Sunday 12-1pm

Oni Press Presents: Your Best Pitch Yet
Every editor has a different opinion about a pitch. Join Oni Press’s Executive Editor Ari Yarwood and Editorial Director of Licensed Publishing Sarah Gaydos in a Q&A alongside peer editors from Lion Forge, Iron Circus, and more as they offer insight into what a good pitch is in the comics world. Speakers: Ari Yarwood, Sarah Gaydos, Spike Trotman, Steenz

Date: Thursday, 7/19/18
Time: 11:30a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Location: Room: 8

The Building Blocks of Quality Characters
Join Oni Press Publisher James Lucas Jones alongside creators Yehudi Mercado (Sci-Fu), Amy Chu (Wonder Woman), Sara Richard (My Little Pony), Zander Cannon (Kaijumax), D.J. Kirkland and Daniel Barnes (Black Mage) in a head-to-head where characters are built with literal childrens building blocks. Speakers: James Lucas Jones, Yehudi Mercado, Amy Chu, Sara Richard, Zander Cannon, Daniel Barnes.

Date: Saturday, 7/21/18
Time: 1:30p.m. – 2:30p.m.
Location: Room 24ABC

Monster Battle Time KO!
Three teams of artists go head-to-head in the biggest Monster Battle Time of the season! This year we have Natalie “Nuclear” Nourigat, Yehudi “Maniacal” Mercado, and Rashad “Raring to Go” Doucet to design your monsters and battle for ultimate artistic glory! Free comics to all attendees! Speakers: Robin Herrera, Natalie Nourigat, Yehudi Mercado, Rashad Doucet.

Date: Sunday, 7/22/18
Time: 11:30a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Location: Room 23ABC



Here are the covers.

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