White Noise 2 Brings 4 VS 1 Horror Gameplay To Gamers

White Noise 2, the asymmetrical 4v1 horror game by Milkstone Studios, will launch on Steam Early access this Thursday, October 27th. We already have Steam preview codes available for press wanting to check out the game and get a head start on their Halloween scares! As this game is best enjoyed with 4 friends, we will have up to 5 codes available per outlet.



Moreover, Milkstone Studios CEO Alejandro González is available for interviews through Skype and email if you’d like to go a bit more in-depth with your preview. Please let me know if you’d like to use this opportunity as well.


About White Noise 2

White Noise 2 is an asymmetrical 4v1 horror game in which players cooperate as a team of investigators, or play the role of the creature that is hunting them. As an investigator, players explore the area and cooperate with their partners to find eight hidden tapes. They’ll have to keep their sanity and maintain flashlight batteries to avoid getting lost and becoming easy prey for the creature. As the creature, players must stalk their prey and hunt them without being seen. Easily stunned by the bright flashlights, the creature will pick off investigators one by one with the help of its Idols and unholy powers to prevent them from finding the eight tapes before devouring them.


Death doesn’t mean game over either, players can rise as a ghost and take advantage of their enhanced exploration skills to help the remaining investigators in their search. Featuring various unlockables in the form of new characters, creatures and flashlights, each character has different specializations and skills, allowing players to choose a setup that fits their playstyle. At the end of each game, players are presented with the signature White Noise replay screen, which shows where each player went and what they did.