Anger Of The Dead

Greetings & Salutations Fellow Movie Fanatics!


So begins the year 2016! A year that sees the debut of many anticipated films (especially if you’re a comic book fan … hint hint)! That also means a year of surprise hits and of course the accompanying box office blunders. So far, it appears that the motion picture hits are going to far outnumber the blunders.


Today’s film will be kind of ‘middle of the road’. If you’re a fan of the zombie genre, then this film is right in your ball court and it probably couldn’t have come at a better time. The popularity wave brought on by ‘The Walking Dead’ and its spin-off ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ is continuing to ride high. So naturally there have been filmmakers trying to capitalize on the popularity of this global phenomenon with short YouTube films, independent movies, etc.


‘Anger Of The Dead’ is the latest in the ever growing zombie genre of film and as I see it, it’s making the rounds for two primary reasons: (A) They don’t play it safe as far as the victims in this one. Even kids are falling victim to the zombie hoards in this film. (B) The producer for the film is none other than Uwe Boll. The notorious director, producer, and screenwriter known primarily for the BloodRayne franchise, House Of The Dead, Postal, and generally making enemies out of just about every movie critic in the world and most of Hollywood for that matter.


‘Anger Of The Dead’ hits theaters in L.A. And New York on January 8th and stars Roberta Sparta, Michael Segal, Aaron Stielstra, David White, Marius Bizau, Desiree Giorgetti, Eleonora Marianelli, Chiara Paoli, and Claudio Camilli. Written for the screen and directed by Francesco Picone, the film follows the heroine Alice an expecting mother who has lost everything and nearly everyone she holds dear in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. Along with two other fellow survivors she is attempting to traverse the desolate landscape in order to reach an island untouched by the plague that has turned the rest of the world into hordes of flesh-eating monsters. Meanwhile, an unnamed female prisoner of a band of survivors with a hidden past escapes imprisonment only to come face to face with murderer intent on returning her alive or dead.


Now before I go any further I want to point out that personally I can’t stand anything with zombies in it. Movies, T.V., graphic novels you name it. In the words of the late great Dennis Hopper, “Zombies …. Man They Freak Me Out!” The mere mention of the word makes me feel sick. With that mind, this film does NOT give anyone safety far as the victims in the film. Everyone from women to kids is fair game for the flesh eating zombies. The graphic nature of the violence and gore was enough to make me want to regurgitate my lunch. The long and short of it is, they got some money and a few good actors, and a run-of-mill script for a zombie film and they made it into a movie. If you’re old enough to remember drive-in theaters, remember the cartoons or short films they’d show between the blockbuster films? Well, say you went to a drive-in to see two epic zombie movies … ‘Anger Of The Dead’ would be the hypothetical ‘cartoon’ or ‘short’ between the two zombie movies. It’s not the worst zombie film I’ve seen. If you’re into the ‘fast moving rage zombies’ and gore, this film is worth watching once. My advice?

Wait for it to show up on the Syfy Channel or something. At best the film gets 2 out of 5 stars.