Miss You Already

The newly released film “Miss You Already”, presented by New Sparta

Films is directed by Catherine Hardwicke and stars Drew Barrymore

(Jess), Toni Collette (Milli), Dominic Cooper (Kit), Paddy Considine

(Jago), and Jaqueline Bisset (Miranda).


It’s a film about two lifelong friends and the struggles that they face

personally as well as difficulties that are all wrapped up in and

entwined with their friendship.


Milly and Kit are married with two children and live a fast paced life

centered around Kit’s business endeavors, while Milly and her boyfriend

Jago live a quieter, slower existence.


I admit I first watched the previews online for this movie only when I

was offered the screener.


Drew Barrymore has always been a favorite actress of mine, therefore

anything with her in it piques my interest.

Going into this film, I really had high hopes.

Unfortunately, my high hopes were not rewarded with a stellar movie.


The good:


The movie takes on the harsh reality of having breast cancer. Its more

than a “wear pink to bring “awareness” to the cause” film, and really

does show a bit of how bad it can be to have breast cancer. The chemo.

The radiation. The uncertainty. The hair loss. It portrays the emotional

turmoil that such a diagnoses can bring, and how it can turn your life

and your family on end and upside down.


It also tackles, though less in depth, the struggles women can face with

infertility and the struggle to decide on and follow through with a plan

of action.


Drew Barrymore does a great job of being the stalwart friend, who is

always there for her bestie in her time of need, emotionally and

otherwise, always putting herself and her own needs to the back burner

while caring for Milli.


The bad:


It must be the writing. Toni Collette does a good job with the given

material, in my opinion, however….. Her character is written as such a

jerk, it was REALLY hard to connect emotionally with the story and the

film and the actors around her because all I could think was that she

was acting like an ass!


I couldn’t really get into the story and the relationships between the

members of the cast until Milli has to tell her kids devastating news.

At that point, I was emotionally vested, but also at that point in the

movie Milli had stopped behaving like a jerk, and came across much more

human. There were also only about 15 to 20 minutes left in the film by

that point as well.


Its rated PG-13, but I don’t think I would let any 13-year-old of mine

see it, regardless of their maturity level. Maybe a 17-year-old, and not

because of excessive language or anything, it’s just a tough subject to

deal with and putting it out there “on the big screen” for a young

teenager to see, in MY opinion, just isn’t appropriate. It’s a situation

(again in my opinion) that should be addressed at home.


All in all, I would have to give this movie 2.5 out of 5 stars. I

sincerely wish I would have liked it more.