Nintendo Has Righted The Ship and Is Setting Sail To Take On Microsoft and Sony

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With the recent news that Mario Kart 8 has sold over two million units worldwide, things may be looking up for the much beleaguered Wiii U system. While Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze did not light up the sales charts, selling only 35K in Japan during its launch week, upcoming titles such as a new Starfox, Smash Bros, and Zelda games are sure to get the attention of gamers and perhaps breathe new life into the system.

During our coverage of E3 2014, the talk in the press room prior to the opening of the show room floor was how well Nintendo was poised with their new titles. While nobody expects them to catch or surpass the Playstation 4 or Xbox One in terms of system sales, it was seen as a confirmation that the system still has some life in it and with a lower price and more quality exclusives in the works, the time may be right for Nintendo to experience a resurgence.

Their President Satoru Iwata was re-elected during a recent board of director’s annual meeting as the sales of the system in June jumped based on Mario Kart 8 up from the reported 6.17 million units that the company has reported sold worldwide since the launch of the system in 2012.

Sony has had the lead over Microsoft and appears to be about 2 million plus units ahead of their chief rival. Interestingly enough with all of the attention on Sony and Microsoft , Nintendo has quietly improved and moved forward with moves that not only show stability, but a desire to appease fans and recapture what has made them such a force in gaming.

While third parties have not given the Wii U the same love that the other systems have received, Nintendo appears to have righted the ship from the storms that had people wondering if their Senior Leadership could survive. With stability in place and a list of impressive games pending, Nintendo may yet have some surprises left for the Wii U and its future as a next generation system.

Check out our magazine at Barnes and Noble. June issue will be up in the next day or so.

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