The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

By Joseph Saulnier


To say that I was blown away by this movie might be a bit of an understatement. To be honest, this movie snuck under my radar, slid into a Christmas release, and absolutely amazed me.


The Secret Life of Walter MItty is about a man who daydreams. But that doesn’t quite cut it. He is constantly thinking out, imagining, scenarios in his head of how things could play out. Often ludicrous, but sometimes realistic, he imagines what things would be like if he were a different man in the situation he’s in. From handling a jerk boss, to the girl he likes, he plays out a scenario in his head that he wishes would happen.


Mitty is a negative assets manager for Life magazine. Life is getting ready to close down the physical publication and are about to publish the last issue. Their best reporter, Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn), sent in his final roll of film indicating that frame 25 was his best shot ever and should be used for the final cover. The only problem is that frame 25 is missing. After a frantic search he is unable to find it in the lab, and with some urging from Cheryl Melhoff (Kristen Wiig) in Accounts at Life, and Mitty’s love interest, Mitty stops living in his head and sets out on a journey to find the frame, and himself.


Directed and starring Ben Stiller, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a delight every step of the way. The humor in the film was very well blended so as not to distract from this incredible journey, and the visuals were absolutely amazing. I am not sure that I would change much about this movie. Casting was excellent, the score was great, and the cinematography was superb. There was a whole side bit about was a bit annoying at first, but it paid off in the end.


I would definitely recommend seeing this movie to any of my friends. So go check it out on opening day (Christmas Day) if you are looking for something to do that day.


4.5 stars out of 5.