The Lovely and Talented Emma Earnest Talks Rise of the Fellowship


Hitting DVD December 3, Rise of the Fellowship is an adventure-packed, and rather tickling tale that involves a group of Lord of the Rings fanatics. Hot up-and-comer Emma Earnest stars in the picture.

Skewed and Reviewed discovered Earnest Emma isn’t a hard Hobbit to break.


How did you get involved in “Rise of the Fellowship”?


My acting coach at the time was asked by Ron Newcomb if she had any actresses right for the role of Stacey. She told me about it and asked me if I wanted to audition so I said yes! I went in and auditioned and after the audition I offered to be a reader as well so for the rest of casting I helped read. I was later cast as Stacey.


Were you a big fan of ‘Lord of the Rings’ before the film.. or did you end up having to learn more about it?


I loved Lord of the Rings!!! I am a big nerd so this film was right up my alley. I was a huge nerd before the film and played lots of video games and started LOTRO when we started filming. In college I even taught myself how to write in elvish and for a small time period everything including my dorm room had elvish on it.


Is the online gaming world something you were familiar with?


Yes! I am a girl nerd. I played World of Warcraft all through high school and dabbled in other games here and there. I am terrible at gaming and raids terrify me but I love that world and questing and interacting. For the record I was always and still am a girl paly, most of the time a healer but I have been known to go to the tanking side of a paly. I love magic and I love brute force and swords.


Did you know any of your co-stars before filming, or did you have to get that ‘chemistry’ down pat pretty much on-the-job?


It was so long ago, let me see, I feel like I knew a couple people before filming but off the top of my head I cannot remember. As filming went on I got to know everyone. I know a couple actors even better as time has gone on and as I’ve grown up and gotten older.

Back in the day, geeks or nerds weren’t cool, but I believe that’s changed now. Why do you think that is?


I love this question! I think it is because the bully issue has really been brought to life and attacked. Now it is not cool to be a bully so people can be more free in doing what they want to do. I also think that tv, and movies have focused more and more on that world so that it is not so odd and foreign to the non nerdy or geeky masses. On an odd note I don’t really know the definition of a hipster but I feel like the hipster movement has also brought they geeky nerdy world to light with its fashion and communities.


What’s the nerdiest or geekiest thing you yourself are into?


Currently, I am really into watching nerdy medieval movies like the hobbit. Okay, I also watch a lot of Japanese animation. I love it and I think people should explore it more, it is a beautiful form of art!


Have you seen “Rise of the Fellowship” with an audience? how had the feedback been?


I watched Rise of the Fellowship at the Premeire back on the east coast and it was awesome! The feedback was very surprised and very positive! People really enjoy that the film is a happy go lucky film and that it is a gaming film. People were also surprised by the fact that LOTRO made gaming footage for the film and that Twinkie got behind us as well. The quality of the film also surprised a lot of people, this indie film was shot on the RED and the footage is very beautiful. Overall I think people will love this beautiful , family fun, and nerdy film.

“Rise of the Fellowship” is on DVD December 3.

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