TOYNK Reveals New Mandalorian And IG-11 Tiki Mugs

Great looking Star Wars mugs here. has officially announced the upcoming arrival of two new Star Wars Mandalorian Geeki Tikis Mug by Beeline Creative, making them the newest Star Wars mugs to their Geeki Tikis Mug Collection.

The new ceramic Mandalorian Tiki Mug characters will include IG-11 (holds 18oz) and Mando (holds 20 oz). Both mugs are officially licensed and a must-have for any Star Wars or Disney collector.

(updated) National Tiki Day so new details here.


Toynk Toys


The Mando Geeki Tikis Mug is now available for purchase and the IG-11 Geeki Tikis Mug is available for pre-order at

BLC-15952-CFfBLC-15952-CEeBLC-15952-CDdBLC-15952-CCcBLC-15952-CBbBeeline Product

Landing Page (Mando):

Lading Page (IG11):