Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is a PlayStation 4 game I really wanted to love.  The underwater game feel is serene and fluid with realistic representation of the underwater environment.  You can easily be lulled by the new age meditation soundtrack as you explore the aquatic life.  It offers great realism, in the sounds, movements and scientific facts about the whale pod that you spend your time studying and other creatures, as well.  Blue even includes the realism of the trash that now dapples our oceans.

Inside base you have a chance to delve further to the information you accumulate and see how an oceanographer lives.

This game is full of calm and information.  However, this is a game and it begs the question “is it fun”?  Well, kind of—it is interesting.  I have even tried to share it with my six-year-old daughter.  It keeps her attention for a quarter hour and then she is gone.  It has kept my attention for three sessions.  The last two were because I wanted to be fair to the game.  I wanted to love this game.  I wanted to find some pull to it beyond the cool idea if it.  The problem is there is no urgency to play, no intense draw.   Beyond Blue is just not riveting.  It does not pas the “is it fun” Test.

2 of 5 stars