Flixboss Offers Better Searching Options For Netflix Users

While Netflix has indeed become a regular part of life thanks to millions of subscribers; frustrations still remain when trying to find certain things to watch. The service is good about telling viewers what is new and trending as well as having a watch list for consumers, but beyond that it can be tricky for some. Options are broken down into various categories but they often tend to be based around what is the most recent or the most popular and for those looking for offerings that are older or more select; this can be a frustrating task.

I work in film and game media and I have had some frustrating times locating and scrolling through a category to try to find a film. It can be even worse when the search engine does not help or you do not remember the name of the movie.
Thankfully there is a new resource available for viewers named Flixboss which makes it easier to find the most recent and best content for Netflix viewers in the U.S.

Content is broken down by day of release and there is also an option to browse content that is coming to Netflix as well as content that is scheduled to leave the service at the end of the month.
Those looking for a more traditional search option may browse by category, year, decade, IMDB rating, and Netflix Release date.

As someone who has found memories of the 80s, I chose this decade and any genre. I was given options from all over the world that are available on Netflix including the year it was released and when it came to Netflix.
For example I was shown the first two “Back to the Future” movies as well as “Urban Cowboy” as they were added on May 2nd.

I could browse further and see options such as “Bloodsport” and “The Money Pit” that were added in April. Changing to Horror I was shown “Child’s Play”, “The Evil Dead”, and Killer Klowns From Outer Space” as recent options.
Clicking on a movie gave me cast information, a trailer, and the option to watch it or add it to my list.

The search tool is also helpful as users can enter keywords as I searched “school’, “Invasion” and “Alien” and I was presented with multiple options across various genres.

The options were easy to browse and did not require me to back out or reload a page and were very easy to use.

One thing I did not see was a category for Netflix Original as I attempted to find “The Ritual” under horror but since it was not released under the 2020-2019 timeframe, and I was unsure that it came in 2018; this is how the service helps.

I simply selected the horror option and the 2010s option and scrolled until I found it. If I knew the title or year of release it would have been even easier.

The service is free to use and does not require any downloads, subscriptions, or special services as if you can access the Internet you can use the service.

The service is also easy to use and offers plenty of information about various films and shows and ratings that are more comprehensive than what is offered by Netflix and allows viewers to make more informed choices for their viewing.

I am curious to see how the service will grow as it shows good potential in terms of being better options for viewers looking for options and who are frustrated by the current search tools offered to them via Netflix.