Made In Abyss : Journeys Dawn

Greetings & Salutations Fellow Movie Fanatics,


As a self-proclaimed ‘movie aficionado’, I must confess that I have seen very few anime as well as movies films adapted from anime stories so this one is definitely ‘outside my wheelhouse’ so to speak. To use another saying ‘when in Rome’ … actually I’m not in Rome … however, everyone I know apparently has seen an anime or two so not to be left out I decided to give this one a ‘Go’. ‘Made In Abyss : Journeys Dawn’ is the first film in a two part film series based on the popular Japanese anime series that will be receiving a limited release in U.S. theaters in March.


In the sea of Beoluska there is an island. On this island, a mysterious abyss lies at its center. Surrounding this abyss is the town of Orth. Like towns that spring up around mining camps during gold rushes, this town came to life thanks to the many explores and adventures that travels to this island to explore the mysteries of the abyss. Dubbed ‘cave raiders’, these thrill seekers explore the abyss in search of artifacts and relics of an unknown long-forgotten civilization. Of course, there are many dangers awaiting the cave raiders as they make the treacherous descents into the abyss. There seems to be a curse that strikes many of the more daring cave raiders. As they attempt to return to the surface, the curse begins to manifest itself. They deeper the cave raiders descend, the more lethal the effects as they try to make the return accent. No cave raider has ever been to the bottom of the abyss due in part to this horrible curse. Those who are among the very few to reach the deepest regions of the abyss are given the title of ‘White Whistle’.


Located in Orth, is the Belchero Orphanage. There children brought there are raised to be ‘cave dwellers’ to help fund the orphanage and to continue its operation. Riko is one of the many children who live there. Her mother Lyza, was a cave raider as well. But not just any cave raider. Lyza was a White Whistle. Riko longs to be a cave raider and to one day earn the title of White Whistle as her mother did. Despite her best efforts, she has yet to discover enough artifacts and relics from the abyss to come close. One day, after a near fatal experience with one of the monsters that inhabit the abyss she encounters a robot that resembles a human boy. Upon asking his name, the robot realizes he has no memory. He clearly has functions and abilities that seem to be tailored towards navigating the obstacles and dangers of the abyss. Riko decides to name him Reg after her dog. Riko and her fellow orphans sneak Reg into the orphanage and decide to make him part of their team. As Riko, Reg, and their team prepare to explore the abyss they receive a strange message. The message states that not only is Riko’s mother Lyza alive but that the message is supposedly written by Lyza herself and that she is waiting at the bottom of the abyss for her. Riko decides that even if it’s a one way trip, she must find the truth so she and Reg descend into the unknowns of the abyss.


Not being familiar with anime, I found this one to be pretty darned cool. Obviously a lot of hard work on the part of writers, artists, and many many others went into this production. You could go so far as to say the film is a work of art by itself. The story got a little weird at times but I thought the overall film was entertaining. If you’re a fan of anime I’d definitely recommend it. I’m uncertain how it compares to the original series the movie is based on though I’d expect the fans of the original to be quite please with the movie adaption. The movie borders on 2 hours so have some snacks and drinks by your side. All in all … I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars. If you’re an anime fan I think it’s a wonderful update to the original and if you’re new to the genre of anime, give it a try. At the very least it’ll open the door to the original for you.