Study Breaks: 3 Ideas to Re-Boost Your Brain Power

Being a student means that you have to put up with some long and hard hours of studying. While some of us put all of our energy into getting past the midterm papers, others actually manage to invest a steady amount of energy throughout the year.


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It certainly makes it a lot easier to be a student when you manage this – but you need to learn to take breaks, first of all. It’s the only way you’re going to get through the hours of studying every day, and it’s definitely the only way to retain any of the information you’re supposed to learn.


The best kind of graduates are not only master of studying – but they’re also masters of breaks. Here is a handful of ideas to boost your brain power again, so that you can get back to work.


First: Go for a run


Exercising is perhaps not what you want to do after a long study session, but it might be exactly what you need. Reading and taking notes will inevitably mean that you’re sitting down most of the time – and, while your mind is tired, your body is anything but.


If you want to perform as well as you could and remember as much as possible of what you’ve been reading, a good old-fashioned run is exactly what you need. This doesn’t mean that any other form of exercise won’t do you any good, though, buy running tends to mean that you’re outside enjoying fresh air and even a bit of sunshine.


It’s way better than being cooped up inside a gym and you can make sure that the break is both short and refreshing.


Next: Play a game


Finally, something we can all agree about; doing something fun is great for your mind when you’re fed up with remembering information you hope to forget as soon as your exams are over. Set a goal for yourself, for example, so that you have an incentive that makes you work a bit harder.


If you manage to read those two chapters, make notes, and go through your notes afterwards, you can treat yourself to osrs gold for your gaming habits later on. That way, you can enjoy the rest of your evening and even have something to look forward to; it’s definitely a great way to boost your studying capacity a little bit when you need it the most.


Or: Take a nap


Long hours of studying means that your head needs a break. Napping is exactly when you need when your mind is tired – and it’s perfect in case you don’t have the energy for running or gaming. Treat yourself to a 20-minute nap – but make sure that it’s not longer than this as you’re just going to be even more tired afterwards.


Having something to look forward to and work towards is the only way we’re going to get through hard work. Keep your eyes on the goal, in other words, and that reward will feel so much sweeter.