How to Read a Vehicle History Report?

How to Read a Vehicle History Report?

Everybody knows that the first thing one should do before buying a used car is checking its history using a vehicle history report. But buyers deeply mistake thinking that this report only can save them from buying a wrong car. There are particular red flags in every history report, missing them you risk wasting your money and still buying the wrong one. Here you can find 5 of them which can save you from any used car fraud.


5 Main Red Flags in a Car History Report:

  1. Any information which stays not consistent with seller’s words: Smart buyers always ask seller about its VIN number, the accidents history, year of manufacturing, and other details. If they obtain reports from and observe difference in information sellers provide, they reject this deal because sellers no more seem trustworthy. The same stays true about vehicle history report;
  2. Water damage: If this vehicle was ever injured by flood or hurricane, one cannot rely on its electricity system. Water damages can cause serious problems so if you see that in your vehicle history report – don’t buy it even if price stays lower;
  3. Salvage title and more than two accidents happened: If the car was given a salvage title, it was completely restored. So even if restoration was completed by professionals, you cannot be sure that the vehicle stays safe enough. Even minor engine or transmission damages might cost you life so always take it into account while buying a vehicle;
  4. Missing annual registrations or emission tests. Annual registration and regular emission tests seem obligatory for car owners in big cities. If previous vehicle owner has not done it regularly, you might have problems with DMV. Missing registration stays a special issue as even Department of Motor Vehicles doesn’t know what was happening with this car during these periods. No one from buyers know whether it was stolen or not and how it was used, so how can one stay sure that this vehicle stays reliable?

Usage by the Police or by taxi drivers: Mileage of police cars grows thrice faster than of ordinary ones. So if you buy any car used by the police throughout the last three years, multiply this number by 3 and add it to a vehicle’s age. Don’t think that you will use it throughout the next 3 years if it was ever used by a taxi driver.


Does VIN History Report Reveal all Information?

If you use VIN check report, you believe that VIN you use seems the right one. But are you really sure about that? One of the most popular car frauds is replacing or modifying its VIN number. So if you’ve checked this number and found nothing suspicious about that, you’d better come to its seller and ask to look for all VIN locations in this vehicle. If all of them stay the same (including the engine and chassis number), don’t be afraid about your deal. But even if one digit is modified, you have all rights to call a police revealing a crime.