Get the Most Out of Comic-Con

Whether going to the original Comic Con in San Diego or hitting up one of the hundreds of local cons across the nation, there are plenty of things one can do to get the most out of Comic Con. Here are some tips and tricks for getting the most out of Comic Con before, during and after. Check out one of the comprehensive online lists to find a con nearby. Where there are people, there will be cons.

The Con Kit

Before you leave for the con, make sure you’ve got all you will need for the convention center. One of the first things to pack will be a Sharpie or good pen along with paper to write on for autographs at panels or around the floor.

Not all convention centers allow outside food or water, so it’s a good idea to go prepared for staying hydrated and fed. An empty and cheap water bottle will work for places allowing containers, but spare cash is always a good idea, especially for establishments that don’t allow bottles. According to the American Heart Association, a person who sweats more (such as while walking around cons…) should drink more water than those who are sedentary. Not soda or energy drinks, but just water.

Also, snacks are a must.

Wear your most comfortable shoes; not the new, cool ones, but ones that are well-broken in. Your feet, back and the rest of your body will thank you.

A fully-charged camera or a portable charger is also a must. When your phone dies, you can keep snapping pictures by plugging it into the portable charger or swapping out for the spare camera.

Taking on The Con

To properly take on The Con, attendees should be well-rested for all the walking, well-fed for all the energy, and well-groomed for the close-proximity to others (they will be thankful if you wear deodorant, it gets hot at cons).

Bring entertainment for the long wait lines for different panels. The most popular ones will have lines around corners. However, don’t over-gear. There is a fine balance between the right amount of stuff and too much stuff. Use the “Will I actually use this?” test before putting it into the final pack pile. Remember, there will be swag and souvenirs to take home, too, and they’ll have to fit into your bag.

Always budget for wanted items. Spend wisely, but have fun, too.

The Road to and from Comic Con

Travel snacks are a must, just as with going into the con itself. Spare toilet paper is good, too, for when the rest area bathrooms have been depleted.

When driving out of state to visit a con, there are plenty of things to watch out for. What is traffic going to be like in the new area, are there convenient places for rest breaks along the way, are there new laws that drivers should know of? Read up on other states’ laws. Once you get home, don’t forget to peruse and post those amazing Comic Con pictures you snapped along the way. Share your experience and start planning for the next one!