Family Time is Important

Even if they are young now, in the blink of an eye your children will be grown and moving out of the house. You will wonder – just like all parents, where the time went and wish that you had made more memories. Even though your life is busy – take a moment to remember that time is fleeting. We always think we have more than we do. Make it a point to make memories with your family. The time you spend with them now will be more valuable to them in ten years than anything you ever bought for them. Those memories are what they will share with their kids and will influence the traditions they carry on. If you are looking for some easy ways to incorporate some quality family time into your schedule, here are some fun ideas to get you started!

Family Movie Night

In most families, kids and parents are spread out across the house watching television in different rooms. Why not bring everyone together by having a family movie night each week? Grab your favorite snacks, your jammies, and the family dog and take turns each week allowing a family member to choose a movie for everyone to enjoy together! If you choose DIRECTV as your provider, they offer dozens of premium movie channels and regular programming channels featuring hundreds of movies every week. There is no doubt your family will discover some new favorites.

Pass Down Your Favorite Recipes!

Nearly every family has favorite recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Whether it is grandma’s spaghetti sauce or Aunt Susie’s apple turnovers, try getting your whole family together once a week for a cooking lesson. Take the time to teach your kids the family’s secret recipes or even take on a new challenge and try learning to make a new dish for everyone to enjoy. You will make messes and surely have some culinary mishaps – but you will share a few laughs and make great memories along the way.

Start a Family Adventure Day

There is no better way to make family memories than embarking on adventures with the people you love. Try scheduling a family adventure day once or twice a month. Pack up the car with snacks and supplies and jump in the car. Take a road trip to the country or through the city to a local museum. Stop and enjoy the sights or enjoy a meal at a restaurant you have never been to; the possibilities are endless. The point of the adventure is not where you go – it is enjoying the journey! It is also important to remember your adventures do not have to be expensive. Try having a picnic in a local park or enjoy a day on the beach. It does not matter where you end up,  just jump in the car — you have got memories to create!

Spending time with your family should not be a chore. It should be something everyone enjoys! It does not matter what you do – try mixing it up if something gets old. The point is to start when the kids are young and make it a tradition. You will find, after some time – whether they tell you or not – they time you all spend together will be something they look forward to… moreover, something you will cherish long after they are grown and on their own.