Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Beta Gameplay

I am not a good stealth gamer as run and gun is the way to go. Also the first segment with the setup and exploring did not record well. But here is some Beta gameplay video from the PC version of me running, gunning, and getting mowed down for you to enjoy.


One Comment

  1. hvd iv said:

    xbox gamers boycott this crap.with them saying xbox wont get hdr and ps4 pro will and with the free dlc for ps4 and pc only thats right xbox gets screwed again boycott this all know the ponies only like uncharted,dark souls clones and jrpg’s wit wont sell for crap on the ps4.

    pc gamers will use g2a,cd and wait for it on sale from steam.they will make very little money depending on the ps4 and pc.if they want to treat xbox gamers the way that were boycott them.

    February 4, 2017

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