PlayStation VR, A Second PlayStation 4, Or An Xbox One, What Would You Pick And Why?

Recently I found myself facing a rather interesting situation and I wondered what other people would do in a similar situation. Friends and family have often said I am very difficult to buy for as working in the media, they never known what to get me as we get various items for review during the year and they never know what to get. I have always said gift certificates as this enables me to stockpile and then get things as I need them.

So facing a nice credit balance at a major retailer it was noted to me that I could purchase an Xbox One if I wanted. I have a PS 4, and a Wii U, but do most of my gaming on a PC and since other staffers have an Xbox One, I have not made the leap as simply put I have not seen any games on it I am compelled enough to buy a console for since many have PC versions and the others, Halo 5 included just are not enticing enough to me at this time to justify a console.

With the recent announcement that Playstation VR would be out in the first part of 2016 and that it would be “Console Priced” which I am taking as $399.99-$599.99 the choice for me became clear. I will wait until the Playstation VR was available and use my credits to get that when it ships.

My question to the readers is this, given the option to buy an Xbox One, a second Playstation 4, or wait for a Playstation VR, which one would you opt for and why?


  1. Thomas Murtagh said:

    I am not clear on why you might need another PS4, I personally would opt for the VR. While I prefer to have both xbox and playstation, if you have a PC abd PS4, you already have access to most major releases. VR, on the other hand, is a brave new frontier, and while the OR might have prompted Sony to push their own development, they seem to have taken it quite seriously. If you’re not getting (or already have/getting) OR, the projects Sony has coming for VR look compelling enough to intrigue, and while XBOne has it’s value, it would seem lower priority in terms of new experiences, short having any need to play with friends on the platform.

    November 7, 2015
    • gareth said:

      Some people I know use it as a second 3D Blu Ray or streaming device so family can play different games at once or stream online content or 3D Blu Rays.

      November 7, 2015
  2. Anonymous said:

    Not sure why a second ps4 is eve en a consideration I would opt for PS VR as XB1 has yet to have a game intice me other than Quantum Break and Crackdown.

    November 8, 2015

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