Relic Hunters Zero Beta Overview

BETA Overview By Chris Sage
I remember a time when some of the worst games were held in high esteem merely due to graphical superiority. That mindset isn’t exactly gone, but I’d like to think gamers have developed more varied and sophisticated tastes. Games are no longer beholden to specific styles, mediums or prices. In fact, some of the best games from the last five years have been retro, mobile or free-to-play. What really matters when playing a game is whether or not it’s fun.
Relic Hunter Zero is not fun. I can’t really say anything bad about it; it just lacks anything of substance. It uses the aforementioned retro aesthetic like a lot of games nowadays, but fails to deliver anything new, unique or challenging. If the game were soul shatteringly difficult, or multiplayer, or had unique mechanics, or just a unique style, I’d see the appeal. As it stands though, the only thing the game has going for it is that it’s free.
Relic Hunter Zero is a relatively simple 2D point-and-click shooter. Step one is to pick a character under the guise of them being mechanically different, but the only real difference is aesthetic. Step two is to go through a portal, kill some bad guys and complete an annoying mini-game. You then repeat step two until your eyes bleed or you unlock new characters to choose in step one. I’d like to tell you more about it but that’s all there really is to it.
If you like irreverent, light, arcade-style games then it’s definitely worth trying out. Unlike a lot of free-to-play games, they seem to have worked out all the kinks, so at the very least it will be a smooth experience. If your just looking for a free game to kill time, there are far better options but hopefully the final game will be much better.