Paper Towns

Review By Don Guillory

As a teenager, you are always trying to discover who you truly are. You are constantly surrounded by images of what you are supposed to be and the cliques that define who you are and who you are not. What is normal? What is real? What is it about this time of our lives that makes us so susceptible to the pressures of adolescence and the need to stand out while also being accepted for who we are? In Paper Towns, Quinten (Nat Wolff), a very shy and quiet teenage boy is enthralled with his mysterious neighbor Margot (Cara Delavigne), whom he had become estranged with over the years.
He has his future laid out before him Graduation is on the horizon. He is headed to Duke University in the Fall where he will be a premed student before settling down and creating a family of his own. His plans are disrupted when Margot comes back into his life one night seeking his help to enact revenge on her friends. However, after this night of hijinks, she has gone missing which throws Quinten’s life into flux.
He skips school and begins an obscure scavenger hunt in order to locate Margot. He becomes obsessed with finding her and in the process discovers more about himself than he had ever planned. The film breaks from many of the tropes that we are accustomed to with teen films. This is by far, much more mature storytelling, offering even the ancillary characters some depth and a sense that they too have an identity.
The film, although is about Quinten and his seemingly love for Margot is much more than that. It is about the sense of reality that we have constructed. It forces us to question what is real and what is imagined. Who are we at the core? What matters to us when we are the only ones who are allowed to judge the circumstances and our actions? This is by far more than just a “Boy meets girl” tale. This is a film that makes its characters reflect on who they are and who we want to be seen and will leave audiences doing the same.