No Time To Explain

Review by Brad Biggs II

The controls of the game are simple, it is just three buttons. Move, Jump and Shoot. So it is fairly easy to jump right into the action and begin playing right away, which is good because the game starts right up and gives you control. Your first gun is a laser cannon of sort, it can destroy things, but it doubles as a propulsion system as well. This can be a little tricky when trying to shoot and dodge at the same time. There are other types of guns you play with through the game, but it seems jump back to the the laser cannon a lot. The story itself unfolds as you play it, you go back in time and begin making other timelines as you play the game based on your progress. It is a puzzle game of sorts mixed with some physics and fast reflexes. The levels are very short, all you have to do it navigate your way to the vortex. Sometimes, easily done, sometimes you die many times trying to get the timing right. Luckily you have infinite lives on regular levels, you can die as many times as you need to make it or give up. Only on boss levels is there a limit, which is 4.

Losing all lives will only restart the boss level itself, which is much better than the whole game. The learning curve is not too bad and difficulty ramped up nicely, at least for me. I first booted it up thinking I was just going to squeeze in a few minutes of play, but almost 2 hours later is where it finally got a little tough and I realized it how long I had been playing. The jokes throughout are pretty good, and made dying a little fun just to hear them. Although when you die a lot, some get repetitive. As far as upgrades or collectables, there are hats throughout the game you can unlock if you explore just a little but, some are super easy to find, others you have to hunt down. Other than that it is a straight play through of the levels. There are a handful of achievements you can earn, first is just by starting up the game. There are several you have to complete certain levels in a certain time or while wearing a certain hat. This does add a little replay value for it. I enjoyed playing it and will have to go back through it to pick up the achievements that I did not grab first time through.

I give it 4 out of 5.