Supercharge Your Game Room With These Accessories

Video games have a lot going for them, including hand-eye coordination, social interaction through online multiplayer, stress relief and even career opportunities. People who stream feeds of them playing video games online can make upward of $60 to $150 dollars an hour. In fact, recent research from American Psychologist states, “Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children’s learning, health and social skills.”

If video games are an important activity in your household, you need to acknowledge that gaming is more than just a console and a TV or computer monitor. To properly game and not strain your eyes, get back pain or annoy everyone else in the house, research the multitude of accessories that can help you unlock achievements, gain more killstreak rewards and overall make you a better gamer. While you probably have already agonized over which console to buy, which screen is best for your games and what type of surround sound system or gaming headset you want, you also need to consider these three must-haves that will supercharge your game room like a Super Mario Mega Mushroom.


Backlighting is the process of using small strips of LEDs on the back of the screen to shine light on the wall while playing in the dark to reduce eyestrain. You can buy these systems or build your own. You even can have them change colors with the action on the screen. If you want a more in-depth explanation of LED and LCD backlights, check out this article on CNET to learn about your different options and how they work.


One of the most annoying distractions when playing a video game is the glare the sun casts on the TV screen, making it almost impossible to see. Windows can cause other distractions and annoyances, such as allowing car headlights to shine through. Blinds are probably one of the most overlooked accessories when setting up a gaming room, but are one of the most important in setting the tone. Although you may be tempted in the middle of a game to simply staple a sheet over the window, you might want to go with a more mature option with high-quality shades or curtains.


Most people don’t think about batteries until the controller battery icon starts blinking and there are no batteries in the house, including every remote, flashlight and toy. Although you can buy regular AA and AAA batteries at most stores, you might want to consider rechargeable batteries instead. According to a poll by Kinja Co-Op, the best rechargeable batteries are Eneloop batteries. Amazon has regular sales for a 4-pack and charger of these batteries for under $20. And, once you start using these, you will seriously question why you used to buy huge packs of AAs and throw them away when the died. Plus, you can help reduce battery disposal problems while killing mutant zombies or saving Princess Peach.

Although these game room upgrades are often overlooked, you will be thankful for them in the future. And, once you make yourself comfy in your new room, you may never get up from the couch.