Sledgehammer Games have crafted a gem in the latest chapter in the mega-selling Cal of Duty series. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare blends old and new to create the most enjoyable and versatile entry into the series in recent years.
The game is set in the near future where Exo Skeletons, drones, and target seeking grenades have become commonplace on the battlefield.
Players are cast as a young Marine who after a successful but costly battle finds himself at a crossroads. He is given a new chance when the head of a large and powerful private defense contractor offers to make him part of the team.
At this point players will take on a deadly terror threat all over the globe and will have an arsenal of weapons at their disposal including hover bikes for a thrilling chase through Detroit.
Of course there is a darker side to the story and a bigger plot is discovered where the player must stand up for what he knows is right even if it means turning his back on others.
The graphics of the game are first rate and the facial animations have to be seen to be believed. I enjoyed the new weapons and storylines, but much of the gameplay while exciting does follow the series staples of run and gun, stealth missions, and vehicle chases.
The addition of the Exo Suit is a huge plus as it allows for jet powered jumps and moves as well as the ability to cling to metallic surfaces.
This feature enhances the storylines greatly as I enjoyed jumping to and from moving vehicles, climbing up vast buildings, and making tall jumps in combat.
What really makes this game shine is the amazing multiplay which not only combines multiple modes such as Kill Confirmed, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and countless other modes, it also has co-op missions as well.
The ease of customization in the multiplay modes is great as everything from energy weapons to machine guns is available to players as is the ability to customize your perks, kill streak rewards, and accessories.
The game offers bonus items that can be accessed in menu and in game which really enhances the appeal of the game. I remember turning a solar lense on some enemies and frying them down as well as getting a giant combat suit and cutting players down to size.
I had issues with the multiplayer in Ghosts and had to force myself to play to make max level, but thankfully Advanced has not had those issues as I happily play the online modes as often as I can. I have enjoyed the maps and the variety of weapons and combat styles immensely.
The inclusion of Kevin Spacey was a nice addition as far as I was concerned as it brought a new level of menace and complexity to what could have otherwise been a stock video bad guy. You can almost understand his motivations.
I was able to complete the single player campaign in a bit over 6 hours but I enjoyed the thrill ride it contained and being able to use the abilities of the suit as well as the grapple were well featured throughout the highly detailed levels of the game.
In the end if you like Call of Duty then you will likely love this game and if you are not a fan, then no matter what the publisher and designers do will likely not appease you. For me, this was a nice mix of the old and familiar with some new directions that shows there is still plenty of life in the franchise.
4.5 stars out of 5